Professor Alexander Hammers
Head of PET Imaging Centre and Professor of Imaging and Neuroscience
Research interests include imaging in the epilepsies and dementia, and imaging methodology, e.g. the development of simultaneous PET-MR.

Professor Sally Barrington
Professor of PET Imaging and NIHR Research Professor
Professor Barrington is a National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Research Professor. Her research focuses on the use of PET-guided therapy to improve the effectiveness of cancer treatment with fewer side-effects.
She is imaging lead for several multicentre national and international clinical trials testing how chemotherapy and radiotherapy can be tailored using PET to evaluate an individual patient's risk and response in haematological malignancies and other cancers. She also works closely with Clinical Oncology colleagues developing advanced imaging for radiotherapy planning to maximise the benefits of modern radiotherapy techniques with the aim of translating these into the wider NHS. Professor Barrington has a special interest in the standardisation of PET methods and is co-lead of the UK PET Research Network with Professor Marsden. The UK PET Core Lab is based at St Thomas' Hospital.

Professor Gary Cook
Professor of Clinical PET Imaging and Head of Cancer Imaging
Preclinical & clinical, evaluation of novel multimodality, multiparametric functional imaging biomarkers for cancer response assessment with a special interest in skeletal metastases and tumour heterogeneity.

Professor Tony Gee
Professor of PET Radiochemistry
Interested in the development of rapid labelling synthetic techniques with short-lived positron-emitting radionuclides, small molecule-protein/small molecule-membrane interactions, the design of PET imaging probes, and the understanding of in vivo pharmacology.

Professor Paul Marsden
Professor of PET Physics
Research interests include hybrid PET-MR systems, motion correction of PET images and methodology for clinical and research PET studies, in oncology, cardiology and neuropsychiatry.

Mr Giorgio Testanera
Clinical and Research PET Service Manager
Focused on providing a safe and efficient PET-CT imaging service for both clinical and research, including a strong department governance, as well as service and project management with equipment procurement. Interest in staff development, implementation of advanced PET imaging modalities for different pathology, novel tracers, cardiac and oncology imaging, and research opportunities.

Dr Sugama Chicklore
Clinical Lead for PET Imaging & Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in PET Imaging
Interests include use of PET/CT in thoracic and neuroendocrine malignancies and in hyperparathyroidism.

Professor Vicky Goh
Professor of Clinical Cancer Imaging
Interests include multimodality functional imaging of colorectal, lung and renal cell cancer as well as multi-parametric, multi-modality imaging biomarker development and assessment of tumour heterogeneity.

Dr Victoria Warbey
Consultant Radiologist and Nuclear Medicine Physician
Research interests include functional imaging of Lymphoma and the use of PET in Neurofibromatosis.

Dr Manil Subesinghe
Clinical Lecturer in PET Imaging and Honorary Consultant Radiologist
Research interests include the role of functional and molecular imaging in cancer with specific interests in the role of PET-CT in haematological malignancies (plasma cell dyscrasias and lymphoma) and oesophago-gastric malignancy. Co-author of the BTS guidelines for the investigation and management of pulmonary nodules.

Dr Rohit Srinivasan
Consultant in PET Imaging and Radiology
Interests include PET-CT and PET-MR in head and neck oncology and neuro applications.

Joemon John
Superintendent Radiographer
Interested in developing both clinical and research protocols as well as general imaging, novel tracers and radiation safety.
Expertise is also provided by clinical colleagues from Nuclear Medicine and Radiology:
- Dr Z Viney
- Dr D Dasgupta