PET Research Committee
All PET research studies must be approved by the PET Research Committee. Projects will be assessed on scientific and clinical merit, technical and scheduling feasibility and fit with the PET Centre research strategy. Please download and complete the below form and forward to the committee so that all the relevant people in the PET Centre can identify areas that require particular attention or resources and determine whether there is sufficient scanning time and production chemistry time to perform the study. It is recommended that you discuss the project with PET Centre scientific and clinical staff at an early stage. The form should be filled in concisely with references that can be reviewed if it is an area that is entirely novel. A list of the various approvals that must also be obtained before a study can begin is given within the guidance document.

Guidance and Forms
Setting up a Research study in PET - A Researcher's Guide
Funding Support from the Wellcome EPSRC Centre for Medical Engineering
The CME has recently announced funding which will be allocated to help cover scan charges for smaller scanning projects where no existing funding is available. Eligibility is restricted to researchers based within the Centre for Medical Engineering (School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences or Department of NeuroImaging).
Please click here to download the application form.